Fabric and trims, accessories Warehouse/Store management in Apparel Industry
Fabric and trims, accessories store management is centralized in any Apparel industry. For Fabric, there is in-house procedure, storage procedure, issue procedure & stock management procedure.
Fabrics Store Management
1. Commercial invoice system: A mail from commercial information management system (CIMS) is received.
2. Pre-in housing work: Before ensuring the received quantity, they have to check the warehouse available capacity. Based on these they decide whether they should receive the whole quantity or partial. And then update fabric processing register book. They ready the inventory sticker according to resister book.
3. Checking: When an import truck has come, check the bolt seal and take photograph as well as cross check the bolt seal with challan. After that cut the bolt seal and also take the photograph of open truck. While unloading the fabric, match the actual quantity with the packing list. For in-house fabric from own knitting unit, procedure I same.
4. Recording: Unload the fabric in quarantine area. Then put the inventory sticker to each and every roll and by this time update the record of every roll in register and make inventory report.
5. Blanket inspection: Collect blanket from each received roll. Blanket length should be 14.5 inch. in blankets, the roll no: and cutable width is written. Then marking the blankets for shrinkage test with tex marker. For marking, a 25*25 shrinkage pattern is used. For some supplier blanket cutting is not required. They give a piece of fabric with every roll. That piece of fabric is attached in one side of each roll. Around 40%- 35% of total fabric blanket is not cutting.
6. Shade segregation: Center to side (CS) and side to side (SS) color variation is checked. If there is SS then wash the full blanket. If there is CS, cut the blanket into two parts and wash the CS part. When no color variation is found, just take any one part.
7. Family selection: The blankets which have same shade are considered as member of same family. Then two blankets which come from same family are stitched together. It is done because shade may be closer after washing. Then stitched blankets are sent to R&D to wash.
8. Shade checking: After washing again check the shade of blankets. If any discrepancy is found between the parts of same family, separate the part.
9. Grouping: Now try to match among families. If the shade of different family is within acceptable limit, consider these families in same group.
10. Shrinkage test: After washing the blankets, measure the shrinkage of each one. They make different shrinkage group within a certain acceptable limit.
11. Fabric GSM test: By using GSM cutter cut the fabric and then measure the weight of the fabric with digital weight machine.
12. Reporting: Complete the inventory report with shade group, shrinkage, cut able width data. The report is very useful to make cut plan and cut projection.
13. Stickering: Put the shade, shrinkage and cutable width sticker on each roll.
14. Fabric inspection procedure: Fabric inspection is done on the 10% of the total received quantity. Here 4- point system is practiced. If 1st 10% is failed, then again checking 105 of total roll. If 2nd 10% is failed, then sending the inspection report to merchandising team for decision.
15. Bulk storage rack: Then the rolls which have same shrinkage and color are store together i.e. rolls which have different shrinkage and shade are kept separately. There are various types of trims & accessories like, Cartoon, Size sticker, Button, Poly, Bar code sticker, Poly sticker, Hanger and so on. There is a systematic procedure for this.
Trims and accessories store management
Trims and accessories refer thread, label, sticker, ticketing and carton used in garments industry. In one word, all items except fabric used in garments finished product is called Trims and accessories. There is some certain storage management need to maintain in Trims and accessories warehouse, here we are mentioning below:
1. Keep all trims and accessories in rack organized way and maintain BIN card PO/Lot wise
2. QC clearance must be done first by warehouse QC team. QC to do AQL inspection as per respective buyer inspection procedure.
3. Warehouse can issue QC passed material only to production floor
4. Must have to maintain FIFO for issuing material to production floor
5. Any material should not keep directly in floor.