Garments related abbreviations
This abbreviation list is a complete handbook for garments manufacturing-related anybody. I have tried my best to give the highest collection of abbreviations, Acronyms, and Incoterms list that are related to the garments manufacturing industry. A full list of abbreviations some used in fabrics (textile), some used in production, some used in merchandising, some used in industrial engineering (IE), some used in commercial work, some used in quality control work, and the rest of all used commonly used in general for garments industry. All these terms are used in works, reporting, communication, and business; a complete notebook for garments professionals. There are six sigma and lean manufacturing tools related abbreviations also included here but garments quality abbreviations are most in a number of this article. I hope you will like the following list.Full form of all garments related abbreviation
1. AAMA-American Apparels Manufacturing Association
2. AAMC-American Apparel Manufacturing Corporation
3. AAQC-American Apparels Quality control
4. AGM- Assistant general manager
5. AQL-Acceptable Quality Level
6. AQM- Assistant Quality Manager
7. ASQ- American Society for Quality
8. BATEXPO-Bangladesh Textile Exposition
9. BGMEA-Bangladesh Garments Manufacture’s and Exporter’s Association
10. BJCP-Bangladesh Jute Cultivation Program
11. BJEC-Bangladesh Jute Export Corporation
12. BJMA-Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
13. BJMC-Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
14. BKMEA-Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacture’s and Exporter’s Association
15. BL-Bill of Lading
16. BOM- Bill of Material
17. BS- Bill of Sale
18. BS- British Standard
19. BSCI – Business Social Compliance Initiative
20. BTMA-Bangladesh Textile Mills Association
21. BTMC-Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation
22. CAD-Computer Aided Design
23. CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing
24. CAP-Corrective Action Plan
25. CBA-Collective Bargaining Agent
26. CBI-Center Back Line
27. CBM-Cubic Meter
28. CEO- Chief executive officer
29. CF-Cubic Feet
30. CFI-Center Front Line
31. CFO- Chief financial officer
32. CI-Commercial Invoice
33. CIF-Cost Insurance and Freight
34. CIP- Commercially Important Person
35. CM-Cost of Making/Cut and Make/ Cost of Manufacturing
36. CMT-Cost of Making with Trimmings/Cut, Make & Trim
37. CnF-Cost and Freight
38. CO- Certificate of Origin
39. COC-Code of Conduct
40. COD-Cash on Delivery
41. COO- Chief operating officer/ Chief Operations Officer
42. CPM- Cost per minute
43. CPSIA- Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
44. CRD-Cargo Receive Date
45. CT-Cycle Time
46. CTL- Consumer Testing Laboratories
47. C-TPAT - Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism
48. CWO- Cash with Order
49. D65-Artificial Day Light
50. DGM- Deputy general manager
51. DHU- Defects per hundred unit.
52. DMAIC- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control
53. DMD- Deputy managing director
54. DOP- Director of Operations
55. DPR- Daily production report
56. DTM- Dyed to Match
57. ED- Executive director
58. EDI- Electronic Data Interchange
59. EDT – Estimated Delivery Time
60. EMB- Embroidery
61. EMS- Environment management system
62. EPB-Export Promotion Bureau
63. EPI – Ends Per Inch
64. EPZ-Export Processing Zone
65. ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning
66. ETA -Estimated Time of Arrival
67. ETD -Estimated Time of Departure
68. ETP- Effluent Treatment Plant
69. FA- Final Audit
70. FBCCI- Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries
71. FDI-Foreign Direct Investment
72. FI- Final Inspection
73. FIFO- First In First Out
74. FM- Factory Manager
75. FOA-Free on Air
76. FOB-Free on Board/Freight on Board
77. FPT - Fabrics performance test
78. FQA-Final Quality Audit
79. FTC-Federal Trade Commission
80. GAT-General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
81. GCR- Garments Check Report
82. GDP-Gross Domestic product
83. GLM- Grams per linear meter
84. GM- General Manager
85. GMT-Garments
86. GNP-Gross National Product
87. GPQ- Guideline for production and quality
88. GPT-Garments Performance Test
89. GSD- General Sewing data
90. GSM - Grams per square meter
91. GSP-Generalized System of Preference
92. GW- Gross Weight
93. HOM- Head of manufacturing
94. HOO- Head of Operations
95. HOP- Head of production
96. HR- Human Resource
97. HRM- Human Resource Management
98. IC- Inspection certificate
99. ICB- Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
100. ICC- International Chamber of Commerce
101. IE-Industrial engineering
102. ILO-International Labor Organization
103. IMS-Industrial Management System/Service
104. IPC- In-Process Check
105. IPE- Industrial and production engineering
106. ISO-International Organization for Standardization
107. KPI – Key Performance Indicator
108. L/C-Letter of Credit
109. LCA- Letter of Credit Authorization
110. LDC-Least Developed Country
111. LG- Letter of guarantee
112. LIFO- Last In First Out
113. LT- Lead time
114. MD- Managing director
115. MDI- Managing for Daily Improvement
116. MIS- Management Information System
117. MMT-Measurement
118. MOQ- Minimum order quantity
119. MOU-Memorandum of understanding
120. MP- Man Power
121. MTD- Month to Date
122. NGC-New Generation Computing
123. NOC- No Objection Certificate
124. NPT-Non Productive Time
125. NSA-No Seam Allowance
126. OB- Operation bulletin/ Breakdown
127. OEE- Overall Equipment Effectiveness
128. OQL – Outgoing Quality Level/ Observed Quality Level
129. OZ- Ounces
130. P/C – Polyester + Cotton
131. PC- Production coordinator
132. PCD- Planned Cut Date
133. PD- Production director
134. PDCA- Plan, Do, Check, Act
135. PDM-Production Details Manual
136. PI – Proforma Invoice
137. PM-Production Manager
138. POM- Point of measurement
139. PO-Production Order/Purchase Order
140. PPC- Production Planning and control
141. PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
142. PPI – Picks Per Inch
143. PPM- Pre-production meeting
144. PP-Pre Production
145. PQI- Practice quality improvement/ Performance and Quality Improvement
146. PSI- Pre-shipment Inspection
147. PS-Production Sample
148. QA-Quality Assurance
149. QC- Quality controller
150. QC-Quality Control
151. QI- Quality Inspector
152. QIP- Quality Improvement Plan
153. QMS- Quality Management System
154. RCS- Recycled Claim Standard
155. RFD – Ready for Dyeing
156. RFID- Radio-frequency identification
157. RFT-Right First Time
158. RH- Relative Humidity
159. RMG-Ready Made Garments
160. RPM- Revolution per Minute
161. RQS- Requirement for quality system
162. RSL- Restricted Substances List
163. SAM-Standard Allowed Minute
164. SCM- Supply Chain Management
165. SKU- Stock Keeping Unit
166. SMV-Standard Minute Value
167. SOP-Standard Operating Procedure
168. SPC- Statistical process control
169. SPI- Stitch Per Inch
170. SPL- Stitch per length
171. SPM- Stitches per Minute
172. SPT- Stitch per tack
173. SQC- Statistical Quality Control
174. SQL-Submitted Quality Level
175. SRL- Sensory and Consumer Research
176. STP- Sewage Treatment Plants
177. T/C – Tetron + Cotton
178. TAP-Total Acceptable Product
179. TBA- To be announced
180. TBC- To be confirmed or to be continued
181. TBD- To be discussed/ defined/ decided
182. TIN-Tax Identification Number
183. TLS- Traffic Light system
184. TNA- Time and Action Plan
185. TPM- Total productive maintenance
186. TQM – Total Quality Management
187. TRL- Technology Readiness Level
188. UPC-Universal Product Code
189. VMS- Visual Management System
190. VPR-Vendor performance Record
191. VSM- Value stream mapping
192. WAS-Weekly Audit Schedule
193. WH-Working Hour
194. WIP- Work In-process
195. WTO-World Trade Organization
196. WTP- Water Treatment Plant
197. XL- Extra Large
198. YTD- Year to Date
199. YY- Yielder Per Yard
200. UD- Utilization Declaration
GOTS- Global Organic Textile Standard
203. MTM- Measures time in terms
TMUS- Time measurement units.
205. OCR- Order completion report.
206. FGTN- Finished goods transfer note.
207. MOM- Minutes of Meeting.
208. FMCG- Fast-moving consumer goods.
209. FMEA- Failure mode & effects analysis.
210. FOC- Free of Charge/ Cost.
211. MSDS- Material safety data sheet.
2121. OCS- Organic Content Standard.
If you have any more abbreviations list related to the garments industry that is missing here or if you have any feedback, please write us through mail: