Library of Textile, Apparel and Fashion

Compliance & CSR management in Bangladesh garments/ apparel industry

Compliance is to comply with certain rules, policies according to the requirements of the customer, law, or any recognized authority. Health, safety, security, working hours, and other legal rights have to be compliant with the requirement. RMG sector plays a big role in Bangladesh economy, the 80% export remittance coming from the RMG sector. Compliance is the key thing for the garments business in Bangladesh as all buyers take this issue very seriously and they are doing a periodical audit after a certain period in the garments industries. So many documents and data need to keep for Compliance management; all training documents, working hours’ data, salary sheet, and policy must be written in the local language.

Basic things for Garments Compliance management:

  1. Follow all the laws and regulations.
  2. Policy and procedure documentation.
  3. Discipline, discrimination, compensation.
  4. Physically monitoring the effectiveness of Compliance.
  5. Internal Audit.
  6. Audit by customer or customer nominated 3rd party.
  7. Safety Training to employees. 

Compliance Management

An integrated way of guidance Compliance management means conformity: in accordance with established rules, regulations, general customs and practices, MRSL (Manufacturing Restricted Substances List), Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) as well as National and International Environmental Laws. So, an industry perspective compliance means obeying, obtaining, and retaining fulfilling of requirements as applicable under law, relevant and related rules and regulations, customer COC (Code of Conducts), social custom, and other practices conducive for the organization. Here garments industries practice total compliance issues mainly in 3 phases, which are Procedural compliance, Physical compliance, and Personnel compliance. Compliance dept. ensures regular/periodical documentation, prompt communication with local legislation bodies, customers, and other stakeholders on different demands. Conducting a periodical internal audit is one of the prime jobs of this dept., however, it is not only an issue of auditing or assessing but also regular monitoring, tracking, and facilitating. This compliance department. represents the organization during the internal audit, external audit, visit, and plant tour entertains members of different legitimate bodies and stakeholders into the facility. The garments industry has its own dedicated Internal Compliance and CSR teams directly supervision by the Top Management (CEO, Chairman & Managing Director). The Compliance Team is responsible to follow up and develop operating policies and procedures to govern Team functions with the inventory, risk assessment, training, communications, audits, and corrective actions. They developed a lot of policies like: Company’s COC, Company Overview, Service Rule and Workers Rights and Privileges, Forced and Bonded Labor Policy, Child Labor Policy, Child Labor Remediation Policy, Non-Discrimination Policy and action, Anti-Harassment policy, abuse Policy and action, Policy on Conduct with Workers, Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure, Policy & Procedure on Freedom of Association, Policy on Human Right & Compliance, Labor Development Rules, Supplier Selection Policy, PPE Use Policy, Safety Policy, Internal Security Policy, Broken Needle Policy & Procedure, Sharp Tools Control Policy & Procedure, Fire Safety Policy, Emergency Fire Safety pre Plan with Fire Service & Civil defense, Emergency Fire Management Plan, Fire Fighting Policy, Fire Fighting Plan/Team, Policy on Emergency Action Plan, Emergency Response Team, Crisis Management Policy, Women’s Right, Special Program for Pregnant Worker, common room for women, prayer room for women, Maternity Benefit Policy, Female Employee & Expected Mother Facility Policy, Policy on House Keeping, Pest Control Policy, Water Management Policy, Hot Work Policy, Excessive Policy, Non-Discrimination Policy, leave policy, Anti-Harassment, attendance policy and Abuse Policy, Policy on Conduct weight Control Policy & Procedure, Business Integrity Policy, Ethical Trading Policy, Urgent Business Needs Policy, Smoking Control Policy, Environmental Policy, Environment Management Policy, Environmental Management Programs, Environmental Accident Management Plan, Waste disposal Management Policy, Procedure for Waste Management, Waste Flow Chart, Waste Inventory, Emergency Response Plan, Chemical Safety Management Policy & Procedure, Chemical Purchasing Policy & Procedure, Chemical Purchase and Use Policy, Chemical Inventory Sheet, Chemical Spill Management Guidelines (Chemical Emergency Plan), Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Policy & Procedure, Policy for Sludge Management, Emergency Response Plan for ETP. The Compliance Team is responsible to develops and adhering to an approved timeline for program development and subsequent program maintenance including:

  1. Scheduled meetings to review the inventory and any new or revised policies or procedures.
  2. Scheduled reviews and follow-up of complaints, audits, findings, and corrective actions.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Compliance Team provides training and communications to all employees on general compliance and to specific employees on the responsibilities for compliance that may be Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) company policy refers to the company’s responsibility toward our environment, people, and country. The garments industry recognizes the need to protect the natural environment. We all know that keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all human beings and animals. The social responsibility of the business industry is to give back to the world just as it gives to us. 

  1. The garments industry Ensures that they don’t risk the health and safety of garments employees and the community
  2. Avoid harming the lives of local and indigenous people
  3. Support diversity and inclusion
  4. Recycling
  5. Conserving energy
  6. Using environmentally‐friendly technologies
  7. Donate clothes to poor or needy people
  8. Tree plantation 


Facilities and benefits for Bangladesh garments workers under compliance and CSR management

Bangladesh garments workers get many facilities in their workplace. Facilities have been increased over the years with the growth of this sector.

Basic Rights of Employee: Garments factories fully comply with ISO & WRAP standards by providing Employee ID Card, Issue Appointment letter, Worker Hand Book, Employee Service Book, On-Time Salary Payment through payroll, and Service Benefit.

First Aid Facilities: Bangladeshi garments have trained First Aider, Adequate First Aid Box, and Certificate for First Aider as a part of the motivation.

Health Care Facilities and Medical center: Company Provides Health Care Facility, Medical Room, Qualified Doctor, Trained Nurse, Medicine, Support for outside treatment. Considering the provision of health care facilities to RMG workers and staff under the prevailing labor act, has a complete 1 bedded fatigue center and dispensary supported by Medical Officers (MBBS Doctors), trained Nurses, and Medical Assistants. Necessary First Aid, along with a supply of emergency medicines provided free of cost from this dispensary. In case of any long-term treatments of anyone, the authority takes the necessary steps to provide a full course of treatment.

Maternity Facilities: Female employees get full maternity facilities according to local & international standards. Maternity Treatment, Maternity Awareness Program, Rescue Team, and Maternity Benefit.

Child Care Facilities: Child care facility for female workers. RMG industry provides Dedicated Nurse, Nutritious Food, Medical Treatment, and Educational toys.

Fire Safety: There have adequate firefighting equipment, firefighting training, Trained firefighters, Regular Fire Drill, Modern Hydrant System, Addressable Fire Alarm, UL Certified Fire Door, and Reserve Water.

Dining Hall & Canteen:  There is a well-decorated Dining Hall Cum Canteen in the factory premises. Few assistants are engaged to maintain a hygienic environment taking necessary measures. Workers can sit at a time to take their company-provided Figure free lunch. They can buy snacks and drinks at a lower than usual price from the canteen which ensures the good health & balanced nutrition of employees. 

Different Annual Programs: Organizes different types of Annual Programs like sports (Football & Cricket) competition, Annual prayer ceremony, Picnic on which each and every employee can participate. This type of initiative enhances the commitment of the employee & employer which helps to uphold the morale.  Garments industries support physically challenged people & distressed people. Some of the garments are also Donated to Madrasas, Mosques & Temple under the CSR process.